I went home with leftovers and some eats for the husband. I came home and had a nice cold Honey Moon!
I really can say I woke up starving Saturday morning. I didn't bother to log anything Saturday because my day was packed full of laying around and kickboxing....then some more laying around! I did try a banging little dessert Saturday night! I've always been a fan of Guiltless Gourmet products. This has been sitting on my shelf for about 3 weeks now. We were in the mood for something sweet. It takes about 90 seconds!

Sunday- The Long Distance day! I usually try to log about 10 miles. I only managed 6.5 today. I was so sore from a concert I went to Thursday.

Breakfast was power packed with carbs!

Lunch was a Lean Cuisine Panini. MMMMM for microwave food!

Dinner was wonderful. grilled teriyakichicken,broc,grilled pineapple, and sesame rice pilaf!

Dessert! Take the Cake icecream (half the fat) on a pretty pink cone ( which i ate )
Miles logged this week - 25 miles!
I need to focus on ab work this week and weights cause I'm slacking big time!
I've also had to take an over the counter sleep aid tonight to sleep. I have two weeks and a half weeks before my wedding and I am up at night running through my list of stuff that needs to be done. Everything is done tho! I just keep making stuff up!
Night,lovely blogOsphere