Friday's meals were all over the place. I woke up and didn't really feel hungry. I snacked my whole day. I went and had Chinese with a few friends after work and had Chicken Low Mein!
I went home with leftovers and some eats for the husband. I came home and had a nice cold Honey Moon!
I really can say I woke up starving Saturday morning. I didn't bother to log anything Saturday because my day was packed full of laying around and kickboxing....then some more laying around! I did try a banging little dessert Saturday night! I've always been a fan of Guiltless Gourmet products. This has been sitting on my shelf for about 3 weeks now. We were in the mood for something sweet. It takes about 90 seconds!
Add fudge powder with 2 tablespoons water.
Pop in the microwave and BAM! Place the fudge frosting on and there ya go! It's super sweet. I had to share it! (If you are the type that likes to make everything look super fancy. Do not put the fudge topping on right after you take it out. It melts and looks gross)
Sunday- The Long Distance day! I usually try to log about 10 miles. I only managed 6.5 today. I was so sore from a concert I went to Thursday.
Breakfast was power packed with carbs!
Lunch was a Lean Cuisine Panini. MMMMM for microwave food!
Dinner was wonderful. grilled teriyakichicken,broc,grilled pineapple, and sesame rice pilaf!
Dessert! Take the Cake icecream (half the fat) on a pretty pink cone ( which i ate )
Miles logged this week - 25 miles!
I need to focus on ab work this week and weights cause I'm slacking big time!
I've also had to take an over the counter sleep aid tonight to sleep. I have two weeks and a half weeks before my wedding and I am up at night running through my list of stuff that needs to be done. Everything is done tho! I just keep making stuff up!
Night,lovely blogOsphere