I firmly believe Green Tea & Honey will cure all of your problems in under 24 hours. Of course, you must drink massive amounts before you notice. hehe

I had the best week of my life! I was tested for
swine flu because I had every flu-like symptom. My results came back and I did have a very serious case of the flu, but no
swine flu. My mother and husband were convinced 100% it was
swine because 1 day before I started to feel sick I was at a concert filled with all sorts of people from around the state.

I wasn't able to eat or drink much. I stuck with Sprite and Saltines. I also started reading New Moon ( I really dislike these books, but I can't stop reading. I feel like a giddy12 year old even though most 12 year olds have only watched the movie.)
I love,love,love to cook, but lately since the semester ended for me I've been lazy. I think its a mix of work and training for my next two runs. I've increased my milage and that has made me stoked,but tired towards 6:30. I look for the quickest most healthy thing I can throw together.

- Turkey Susage
- Cabbage
- Red Potatos
- Splash of Olive Oil
You just cut it all up and place it on your oven (on your desired temp) I like mine crispy so I go for 450. I usually cook it an hour and 15 minutes OR until everything is tender. YUMMY!!!
Last night I finally got to eat pasta,again. It felt like ages since I was able to eat a real meal that didn't involve soup or crackers.

My dish.

The husbands dish. (Whats the difference besides incredible portion size.)
Oh and possibly the best mid-afternoon snack from any local store:

I've had about three days of no running just recovery from this flu bug. I plan on hitting the pavement first thing Saturday morning at 6am for a nice 10 miler.